The Operating Efficiency Measurement of Thai Commercial Banks in Digital Era


  • Pitipat Nittayakamolphun Faculty of Economic, Maejo University
  • Thanchanok Bejrananda Faculty of Economic, Maejo University
  • Kittawit Autchariyapanitkul Faculty of Economic, Maejo University
  • Siwarat Kuson Faculty of Economic, Maejo University


Operating Efficiency, Commercial Banks, Data Envelopment Analysis, Digital Banking


Changes in the financial economy and technology have led the commercial banks into digital transformation in the business operation which affects the operational efficiency of commercial banks. Therefore, this study aims to measure the performance and guideline to increase operational efficiency of Thai commercial banks as the financial intermediaries and business sectors with profit maximization in the digital period. The study is based on data of 15 commercial banks from 2010 to 2019 using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Slacks-based Measure (SBM). The analysis of Input-Oriented under the assumptions of Variable Return to Scale (VRS) reveals that the Thai commercial banks as financial intermediaries have higher average operating efficiency than the business sector, at 0.905 and 0.862 respectively, and differed significantly according to the size of commercial banks. However, the commercial banks should subside all types of inputs to increase operational efficiency. By applying technology and cooperate with business technology experts would help commercial banks to offer financial services inconsistent with customer behavior in the digital period, also, to subside time and cost of service. Also, the policymakers should drive the technological development of financial services. As well as building a complete financial ecosystem to contribute to the operational efficiency of Thai commercial banks in the future.


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How to Cite

Nittayakamolphun, P. ., Bejrananda, T. ., Autchariyapanitkul, K. ., & Kuson, S. . (2022). The Operating Efficiency Measurement of Thai Commercial Banks in Digital Era. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(3), 134–157. Retrieved from



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