Adaptation Strategies and Survival of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kalasin Province


  • Binli Akhotmi Faculty of Administrative Science, Kalasin University
  • Assistant Prof. Ampasri Phokha Faculty of Administrative Science, Kalasin University


Adaptation Strategies, Survival of small and medium enterprises


The purposes of  the adaptation strategies for the survival of small and medium enterprises in Kalasin province were: 1) to study the adaptation strategies of small and medium enterprises in Kalasin province, 2) to study the survival of small and medium enterprises in Kalasin province, 3) to study the relationship between the adaptation strategies and the survival of small and medium enterprises in Kalasin province, and 4) to study the impact of the adaptation strategies on the survival of small and medium enterprises in Kalasin province. The samples were the 204 enterprises having the amount of annual income not more than 500 million baht and employees not more than 200 people. The research instrument was questionnaire. The statistics used in analyzing data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation, and multiple regression.
The results the revealed that development of the advantages in competition and the adaptation of using technology affected the survival of the small and medium enterprises in Kalasin province in positively effect at 0.05

Author Biography

Binli Akhotmi, Faculty of Administrative Science, Kalasin University

Master Student, Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Kalasin University


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How to Cite

Akhotmi, B. ., & Phokha, A. . (2021). Adaptation Strategies and Survival of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kalasin Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(1). Retrieved from



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