The Awareness of Emotional Intelligence and Self - Efficacy Affecting Personal Financial Planning of Workforce in Royal Thai Army


  • เดชดำรง บุญเต็ม โรงเรียนทหารการเงิน กรมการเงินทหารบก
  • Chalermporn Yenyuak Business Administration, Rangsit University


Emotional Intelligence, Self - Efficacy, Personal Financial Planning


This study aimed 1) to study the relationship between emotional intelligence and financial planning of the students in the military schools under army training command and 2) to study the relationship between self-efficacy and financial planning of the students in the military schools under army training command. A questionnaire was used to collect the data of the students in the military schools under army training command from 350 samples, and the results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for the presentation. The results of the research were as follows: The emotional intelligence in terms of happiness was ranked the most, followed by skill and goodness respectively. Their self-efficacy level was very high. The financial planning of the students in the military schools under army training command was at a very high level. Self-assessment of their status was at very high level. Setting financial goals was at a high level. Setting options and evaluating financial options were at a high level. Compliance with the financial plan was a very high. And the monitoring and improvement of the financial plan were at a very high. According to the results, it was found that personal factors of sex, age and marital status that were different made them have different personal financial plans. Emotional Intelligences in terms of goodness, skill, and happiness affected the personal financial planning of the students in the military schools under army training command, and self-efficacy was connected to the personal financial planning of the students in the military schools under army training command. Therefore, personal financial planning of the students in the military schools under army training command should be promoted by adopting an approach to develop the emotional intelligence and self-efficacy to stimulate their personal financial planning.


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How to Cite

บุญเต็ม เ., & Yenyuak, C. . (2021). The Awareness of Emotional Intelligence and Self - Efficacy Affecting Personal Financial Planning of Workforce in Royal Thai Army. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(4), 38–53. Retrieved from



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