Prioritization of Factors Affecting Price Adjustment Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Autoparts Company


  • Nipapan Ananpalasak Faculty of Logistics, Burapha University
  • Kriangsak Vanitchakornpong Faculty of Logistics, Burapha University
  • Panisa Atwichai Faculty of Logistics, Burapha University


Automotive Industry, Auto Parts, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Price Adjustment


This study aimed at prioritizing price adjustment factors of autoparts company in Rayong Province by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The study is to analyze 6 factors: market effect, raw material, negotiation, technical productivity, resourcing, and exchange rate. The proposed approach is employed to determine the important weights of criteria and calculate priorities from pairwise comparisons for each pair of price adjustment factors of autoparts company. Results revealed that raw material (22%) is the most significant factor, followed by exchange rate (21%), market effect (19%), negotiation (13%), technical productivity (13%) whereas the least significant factor is resourcing (11%) when considering the prioritization of factors affecting price adjustments.

Author Biography

Panisa Atwichai, Faculty of Logistics, Burapha University

Student, Bachelor's degree of Sciences, Faculty of Logistics, Burapha University


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How to Cite

Ananpalasak, N., Vanitchakornpong, K. ., & Atwichai, P. . (2021). Prioritization of Factors Affecting Price Adjustment Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Autoparts Company. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(3), 125–136. retrieved from



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