The The Influences of Government Policies and Crisis Management on Business Operation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Service Sector in Chiang Mai Province During the Crisis of the COVID-19 Epidemic


  • Pakorn Udomthanasansakul ฺFaculty of Business Administration, Maejo University


Government Policy, Crisis Management, Business Strategy, Small and Medium Enterprise


This research aimed to study the influences of government policies and crisis management on business operation of small and medium enterprises in service sector in Chiang Mai province during the crisis of the COVID-19 epidemic. An online questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data from 382 enterprises of small and medium (SMEs) in service sector, Chiang Mai province. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The inferential statistics consisted of correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The result reveals that 1) the important level of government policy and crisis management factors were generally high with mean = 3.89 and 3.58 respectively. Meanwhile the business operations of SMEs in service sector during the crisis of the COVID-19 epidemic was moderate level with mean = 3.32. 2) Multiple linear regression results were found that government policy and crisis management factors exhibited correlation and positive influence on business operation of SMEs in service sector under study at the statistically significant level of .05. The regression coefficients (β) were 0.626 and 0.521, respectively. The model could explain business operation of SMEs in service sector at 72.20 percent (R2 = 0.722), with government policy being the most influential factor.


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How to Cite

Udomthanasansakul, P. (2021). The The Influences of Government Policies and Crisis Management on Business Operation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Service Sector in Chiang Mai Province During the Crisis of the COVID-19 Epidemic. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(2), 75–92. retrieved from



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