The Relationship between Organizational Professionalism and Organizational Success of Accounting Firms in Northeastern of Thailand


  • ปาณิสรา ไชยคำภา คณะวิทยาการจัดการและเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ มหาวิทยาลัยนครพนม
  • Saithip Janopat Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Technology, Nakhonphanom University


Organizational Professionalism, Organizational Success, Accounting Firms


It is one of the factors in the management. Is the performance of the organization's operation. To lead the organization with expertise and skilled in profession as much as possible. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to study the relationship between organizational professionalism and organizational success of account firms in northeastern of Thailand. The questionnaire is as a tool to collect data from 108 accounting firms executives in northeastern of Thailand. The statistics used in the data analysis were, multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The result of the research showed that organizational professionalism leadership and operations had positive relationships with and effect on organizational success.  According to the results, accounting firms executives should pay attention to organizational professionalism. This will result so that its personnel can be used as a way to develop and improve their operations effectively and to ensure maximum efficiency in the work of the organization and to achieve success for the organization in future changing circumstances.


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How to Cite

ไชยคำภา ป., & Janopat, S. . (2021). The Relationship between Organizational Professionalism and Organizational Success of Accounting Firms in Northeastern of Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(3), 41–54. Retrieved from



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