Fostering Intrapreneurial Behavior of Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises: The Role of Perceived Transformational Leadership, High Performance Human Resource Practices, and Perceived Self-Efficacy


  • Khomkrit Nantharojphong Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok


Intrapreneurial Behavior, Perceived Transformational Leadership, High Performance Human Resource Practices, Perceived Self-Efficacy


The purposes of this research were 1) to test the influence of Perceived Transformational Leadership, High Performance Human Resource Practices and Perceived Self-Efficacy that affect to Intrapreneurial Behavior and 2) to propose the causal model of Intrapreneurial Behavior of the employee in the innovative small and medium enterprises. This study was a quantitative research. Data were gathered by using questionnaires.
The sample consisted of 324 employee who was working for innovative SMEs in Bangkok and Metropolitan. Data analyses were conducted by using structural equation model analysis. The research results revealed
that the causal model had a congruence with empirical data. The employee had intrapreneurial behavior at high level. Hypotheses test showed that 1) The Perceived Transformational Leadership had significantly positive influenced on the High Performance Human Resource Practices, Perceived Self-Efficacy, and Intrapreneurial Behavior. 2) The High Performance Human Resource Practices and Perceived Self-Efficacy
had significantly positive influenced on the Intrapreneurial Behavior. 3) The Perceived Transformational Leadership had significantly positive indirect influenced on Intrapreneurial Behavior that was mediated by
the High Performance Human Resource Practices and Perceived Self-Efficacy. Finally, the causal factor influencing Intrapreneurial Behavior was Perceived Transformational Leadership that have the highest
direct effect and have indirect effect via the High Performance Human Resource Practices and Perceived
Self-Efficacy, respectively.     


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How to Cite

Nantharojphong, K. (2021). Fostering Intrapreneurial Behavior of Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises: The Role of Perceived Transformational Leadership, High Performance Human Resource Practices, and Perceived Self-Efficacy . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(1), 44–65. Retrieved from



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