Perceived Risk and Trust Affecting the Selection to Use Financial Technology


  • ์Nachon Prayoonvong Faculty of Business Administration Business Administration, Rajapruk University


Perception Risk, Trust, Financial technology


This research study has the objectives To study the perception of risk Trust in the selection of financial technology To study the relationship between perception of risk and trust in the choice of financial technology and to study the influence of risk perception and trust of service users on the choice of financial technology. Sample group Is people living in the district of Bang Kruai Nonthaburi Province The method of obtaining a sample can be obtained at a convenience sampling. And using questionnaires as research tools The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. Pearson's Correlation Coefficient Analysis And logistic regression analysis.

                   The results of the study showed that M-Banking users had the highest financial risk perception
and the most trustworthiness in service capacity. M-Wallet had the highest financial and financial risk perception. Most trusted in honesty. The results of the study of the relationship between risk perception and trust in financial technology selection of M-Banking and M-Wallet found that M-Banking and M-Wallet risk perceptions were related to the reliability of M-Banking and M-Wallet. Trust in choosing a high level of financial technology Have positive correlation values and relate in a corresponding manner and the results
of the study on the influence of risk perception and consumer trust on the choice of financial technology,
it was found that the risk and trust factors influencing the choice of financial technology. M-Banking, including an honest trust This will increase the selection of financial technology M-Banking. The risk and
trust factor influencing the choice of M-Wallet financial technology is that privacy risks increase the choice
of M-Wallet financial technology.


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How to Cite

Prayoonvong ์. (2021). Perceived Risk and Trust Affecting the Selection to Use Financial Technology. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(1), 66–83. retrieved from



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