The Development of Food Businesses in Betong District, Yala Province on New Normal


  • Associate Professor Apsorn E-sor Faculty of Management Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Assistant Professor Nantharat Namburi Faculty of Management Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Sukrita Pumkeaw Faculty of Management Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Orawan Kamol Faculty of Management Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Sunee Kraonual Faculty of Science Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Romlee Chedoloh Faculty of Science Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University


Development, Food Businesses, New Normal, Yala Province


This research was aimed at the development of food businesses in Betong district, Yala province, on
new normal. It was a design of research and development: R&D, using questionnaires and development operations. Research information was collected from development targets of 50 food business entrepreneurs and their customers 400 person to collected development results. Study results were as follows.
1) Development planning: preparedness of entrepreneurs towards the development of food businesses on new normal was at high level in overall view, accounted at an average of 2.34 ±  0.54, while detailed in-depth study showed that entrepreneurs were at high preparedness level on development operations in aspects of restriction on alcoholic drink in restaurants, averaged at 2.90 ±  0.11; restriction on music performance, and strict service time of 05:00–21:00 hrs., which proportions were quite the same, accounted at an average of 2.80 ±  0.22. 2) Development operation: training on “standard enhancement of food business services on
new normal” was provided, and, supported with materials for Covid-19 infection prevention. 3) Development conclusion: satisfaction of customers towards the development of food businesses on new normal was found at medium level, averaged at 2.19 ±   0.52, while detailed in-depth study indicated that customers were at high level of satisfaction in aspects of restriction on alcoholic drink in restaurants, averaged at  2.85 ±  0.15; supplementation of hand cleansing post with soap or alcohol gel not less than 70%, averaged at 2.65 ±  0.45; and, entrepreneurs and service employees wore face mask or  cloth mask, face shield and gloves during service averaged at 2.58 ±  0.56.        


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How to Cite

E-sor, A. P. A. ., Namburi, A. P. N. ., Pumkeaw, S. ., Kamol, O., Kraonual, S. ., & Chedoloh, R. . . (2021). The Development of Food Businesses in Betong District, Yala Province on New Normal. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(1), 16–29. Retrieved from



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