Elderly Career Group Development (Tie Dye Cloth) to Increase Competitiveness


  • สัสดี กำแพงดี คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • Piyada Maneenin Faculty Management Science, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Suthat Rungrawiwon Faculty Management Science, Yala Rajabhat University


Development, Elderly, Competitiveness


This research is a participatory workshop elderly development. The purposes of this research are
to learn the basic data, operating conditions of the elderly and the need for professional development of the elderly. The target groups are 10 members of the elderly group. Data collection methods were Interview,
focus group, brainstorm and lesson learned. The data were analyzed by summary of issues and descriptive statistics. Validation was performed by triangulation. The result found that the elderly are ready for development and received support from association of the elderly but not yet ready for business knowledge and operating budget. Operating distance conduct a group meeting to brainstorm together. Developed 3 types of tie-dye products consisted of tie dye shirt, tie dye fabric and tie-dye bags, with a team of researchers and experts help develop until you can do all the work yourself and there are plans to upgrade to enter the community enterprise. To make the product more recognizable. Monitoring and evaluation period found that the development of tie-dye fabrics was successful. Causing a new type of tie-dye product. Experts and elderly group members were satisfied with product development at the highest level. Considering of product structure, material, beauty, usability and maintenance. Factors contributing to this success come from participation and learning together and received a suggestion from research that should produce tie-dye fabric from natural colors to preserve the environment. Along with creating commercial opportunities with the registration of community product standards in order to make the product more accepted by consumers.


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How to Cite

กำแพงดี ส., Maneenin, P. ., & Rungrawiwon, S. . . (2021). Elderly Career Group Development (Tie Dye Cloth) to Increase Competitiveness. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(1), 30–43. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/245997



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