The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Business Success of Small and Medium Entreprises in Kalasin Province


  • Nongyao Intanam Facuty of Adminstrative Science, Kalasin University


Entrepreneurial Orientation, Small and Medium Business Enterprises, Business Success


The purposes of the study of  to study the relationship between the emphasis on entrepreneurship and the  success of small and medium entrepreneurs in Kalasin province, and 4) to study the impact of the emphasis on entrepreneurship affecting the  success of small and medium entrepreneurs in Kalasin province. The samples were 482 small and medium entrepreneurs in Kalasin province. The research instrument was questionnaire. The statistics used in analyzing data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis.  The results revealed that the relationship between the emphasis on entrepreneurship and  the  success of business in each aspect through the use of multiple correlation analysis showed that as the emphasis on entrepreneurship in active operation, the risk challenging, innovative ability, active learning, and the authority had the positive relationship with the success of the small and medium entrepreneurs in Kalasin province.

The analysis of the impact of the emphasis on entrepreneurship affecting the  success of small and medium entrepreneurs in Kalasin province in terms of risk challenging, and authority affected the  success of small and medium entrepreneurs in Kalasin province in the same direction. This meant that the entrepreneurs had to be dare to invest for new business although there’s risk and uncertainty of business environment. There should always be the presentation of new products and services. The staff should be invited to participate in decision making. The drive of success should also be increased. While, the emphasis on entrepreneurship in active learning affected the success of business of small and medium entrepreneurs in Kalasin province in the opposite direction


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How to Cite

Intanam, N. . (2020). The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Business Success of Small and Medium Entreprises in Kalasin Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(4), 82–95. Retrieved from



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