The The Relationship Between Business Strategies and Entrepreneurial Leadership that Affects the Success of the Business in the Upper Northeast


  • chadarat khwunnark Pitchayabundit College 171/2 Moo.2 Nong Bua, Muang District Nong Bua Lamphu, 39000


Business Strategies, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Success of the Business


The purpose of this study is the relationship between business strategies and entrepreneurial leadership that affects the success of the business. the samples of the study were 257  business entrepreneurs in the Upper Northeast  and used questionnaire as tools of data collection. Statistics used to analyze data include: Percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple correlation analysis. The results showed that 1) the leadership of entrepreneurs is at a medium level ( = 3.59, S.D.= 0.18) 2) business strategies is at a high level. ( = 3.52, S.D.= 0.23) 3) the success of the business is at a medium level( = 3.42, S.D.= 0.30). Results of analysis of relationships between variables found that cost saving and customer orientation  relationship with business success  significant at 0.05 level. The difference was significantly correlated with the success of enterprises at 0.01 level.


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How to Cite

khwunnark, chadarat. (2020). The The Relationship Between Business Strategies and Entrepreneurial Leadership that Affects the Success of the Business in the Upper Northeast. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(4). Retrieved from



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