Real Earnings Management and Accrual-based Earnings Management Implications for Future Profitability


  • Premarat Vilalai College of Innovative Business and Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Pattanant Petchchedchoo College of Innovative Business and Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Siridech Kumsuprom College of Innovative Business and Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University


Earnings Management, Real Earnings Management, Accrual-based Earnings, Future Profitability


This research reflects the future profitability of the organization by investigate the relationship between real earnings management and accrual-based earnings management implications for future profitability. Real earnings management by using of abnormal cash flows from operating activities, abnormal discretionary expenses and abnormal provision for doubtful accounts as a proxy and accrual-based earnings management by using of abnormal accruals. The sample group is used as the financial business industry group of 51 companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, with a population of 60 companies. And the statistics used in this research analysis are multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that real earnings management based on abnormal cash flows from operating activities is a positive relationship between the future profitability. Conversely, abnormal discretionary expenses, abnormal provision for doubtful accounts and accrual-based earnings management has no significant relationship with the future profitability.



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How to Cite

Vilalai, P. ., Petchchedchoo, P. . ., & Kumsuprom, S. . (2020). Real Earnings Management and Accrual-based Earnings Management Implications for Future Profitability. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(3), 83–96. retrieved from



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