Relationship between Marketing Strategies on Marketing Performance of Agricultural Products Export Business in Thailand


  • Kanoknate Chantaban Mahasarakham Business Shcool, Mahasarakham University
  • Cattaleeya Charpavang Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • Chutiya Kanthapanit Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


Marketing Strategy, Marketing Performance, Agricultural Products Export Business in Thailand


This study investigates the relationship between marketing strategies on marketing performance
of agricultural products export business in Thailand. The data is collected from marketing managers
of agricultural products export business, the number of marketing managers is 189 and the tool of this research is questionnaire. Statistics for data analysis are multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The result show that the marketing strategies in the aspects of differentiation, cost leadership and focus market had positive related and effected on marketing performance overall. Marketing strategies, in the aspect of product had no related and effected on the overall marketing performances.


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How to Cite

Chantaban, K., Charpavang, C. ., & Kanthapanit, C. . (2021). Relationship between Marketing Strategies on Marketing Performance of Agricultural Products Export Business in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(2), 130–139. Retrieved from



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