Brand Design, Business model and Creative Marketing Ideas Strategy In products from Makiang in Chiang Mai Province


  • Manop Chum-un คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎเชียงใหม่
  • Ardchawin Jaikaew Management Science Faculty, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


Brand, Packaging, Business Model, Marketing mix and Makiang, Supply Chain


The research aimed to analyze consumer behavior, supply chain, brand and packaging design and creating business model in Makiang products. The research instruments consisted of community context survey, In-depth interviews, focus group and practical training with Agricultural Products Processing Group Ban Buak Pao, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The study indicated that most of Makiang consumption was consumed in both of fresh fruit and processed products and most of customers were in the community, schools and temples with the buying reasons of many benefits and nutrients through channel of fresh market, community flea markets and community shops. The study of supply chain found that the land of Makiang plantations belonged to some group members, and all production workers came from the members and the use of members' savings in operations and for product distribution, motorcycles and pickup trucks of members were used. The brand and package building found that the group used a family brand with the logo in a shape of Makati fruit, surrounded by Makiang leaves with the slogan of 100% natural Makiang. The packaging consisted of many sizes, including glass bottles, plastic bottles, jars and plastic boxes. The competitive brand positioning was fresh and safe. The marketing mix strategies found that the product strategy was to ensure that production was natural and safe. The price strategies for community market used penetrate pricing and the secondary segments set a high price. The place strategy sold through stores of the bazaar and flea market groups. The advertising strategies used folder and brochures and sales promotional was free trials or consumption. The study of business model indicated that customers purchased or used Makiang products for specific benefits, such as health, to replace other fruits, or safe according to nutrition principles, by emphasizing the outstanding benefits of being local fruit that grows naturally.  


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How to Cite

Chum-un, M., & Jaikaew , A. (2020). Brand Design, Business model and Creative Marketing Ideas Strategy In products from Makiang in Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(4), 13–29. Retrieved from



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