Supply Chain Management for Value Creation of Economic Plants in Muang District, Mae Hongson Province.


  • Manop Chum-un Management Science Faculty, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Winayaporn Bhrammanachote Management Science Faculty, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Ardchawin Jaikaew Management Science Faculty, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Jindapha Srisamran Management Science Faculty, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Kitiyaporn Intipeek Management Science Faculty, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Kanokwan Pheerapongdecha International Colleage, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


Supply Chain, Economic Plants, Business Model, Marketing Mix Strategies


The research aimed to study and analyze the supply chain of sesame, bean and rice and create business models and marketing mix strategies for farmers’s commercial use. The qualitative research instruments consisted of in-depth interview and focus group with Ban Pang Moo Healthy Sesame Group, Ban Pang Moo Soil Bean Producer Group, and Pha Bong Community Enterprise Agricultural Group with content analysis. The quantitative research for studying the consumer behavior towards sesame, bean and rice was used 500 questionnaires by using descriptive statistic. The results of supply chain study showed that most of the crop was owned by farmers, the plants used to grow from the collected species from previous year with family labor. The product were be sold to the middleman who set their own price, but there were some farmers brought them to product processing and made their own marketing and price setting, however, they had to develop the production process and use technology to help in reducing the cost. The results of business model and marketing mix strategy study found that the groups must expand the market and apply brand positioning and identity as strategy to make the difference in the market, together with premium pricing through distribution channels in both online and offline to reach more customers. The promotion required personal selling to seek for new customers, together with public relations in the area of environmental conservation and conducting fair trade.     


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How to Cite

Chum-un, M., Bhrammanachote , . W. ., Jaikaew , A. . ., Srisamran , J. ., Intipeek, K. ., & Pheerapongdecha, . K. . (2020). Supply Chain Management for Value Creation of Economic Plants in Muang District, Mae Hongson Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(3), 49–62. Retrieved from



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