The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Efficiency of Accountants in The Public Institute Under The Office of the Higher Education Commission


  • Patthama Mongkolkeha 76/185 Meung District, Nakhonphanom Province
  • Nattawut Tontiset Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • Teerapan Ungphakorn Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


Job Satisfaction, Job Efficiency, Accountants


The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the job satisfaction and the job efficiency of accountants in the public institutes under the Office of the Higher Education Commission. To do so, the researcher collected data from 217 accountants through the questionnaire administrations. After the data collection, the researcher adopted the statistics including T-test and F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to analyze the data. From the analysis of the relationship and the effect, the researcher found that as following. First of all,  the job satisfaction about the recognition positively related and affected  the job efficiency. Secondly, the job satisfaction about  the advancement positively related and affected the job efficiency. Finally, the job satisfaction about the salary, the security, and the relationship with their superior did not positively relate to the job efficiency. In sum, the job satisfaction positively related to the job efficiency. Therefore,  the organization administrators should take the staff’s satisfactions into account, and they should give their staff some complements or prizes for those who could achieve the organizational goals. Thus, their staff would be encouraged or motivated to work. Moreover, the staff would be proud of their own jobs. So, the more the accountants are satisfied with their jobs, the more effectively they could work for their organizations.


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How to Cite

Mongkolkeha, P., Tontiset, N. ., & Ungphakorn, T. . (2021). The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Efficiency of Accountants in The Public Institute Under The Office of the Higher Education Commission. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(4), 1–12. Retrieved from



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