Management Information System for the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education: A Case Study of Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
Management Information System, Thai Qualifications Framework, TQF3, TQF5Abstract
This research has implement in the years 2015 - 2016 by the development of management information system based on Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF). In order to apply on Mahasarakham Business School that enabled facility among lecturers, student, academic section, and quality assurance section. This system can be following up who send file TQF3 or TQF5 is already and not.
There are five state of TQF that follows: moral, knowledge, Intellectual skills, interpersonal skills and responsibility, and numerical analysis skills, communication and information technology. Moreover, PHP Hypertext Preprocessor that known as Personal Home Page (PHP) that is tools for development system. MySQL program is utilized for data storage as database system. The researcher attempt to integrate system between teaching old database and new TQF system, in order to online service into one database.
Normally, the lecture must send TQF3 before open-up semester and also TQF5 must submit after recess in early 30 days. In the academic and quality assurance aspect, they can detect and follow up TQF file both TQF3 and TQF5. The result found that the ratio of sending file has increasing fulfillment. Interestingly, the lecture has more attention in the teaching planning.
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