The Influence of Perceived Organization Image Effects on Service Loyalty Through Perceived Service Quality of Jurassic Water Park, Nakhon Pathom


  • Warinyupa Pimsaard Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University
  • Viroj Jadesadalug Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


perceived organization image, perceived service quality, service loyalty


            The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of perceived organization image effects on service loyalty through perceived service quality of Jurassic water park, Nakhon Pathom. A questionnaire was used for collecting data from 400 customers of Jurassic water Park. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean correlation, and standard deviation. The hypothesis testing was simple regression analysis
and multiple regression analysis. Testing moderating effect is based on the approach of Baron & Kenny (1986). The results indicate that respondents rated the perceived organization image, perceived service quality, and service loyalty at the high level. The hypothesis testing found that, perceived organization image had a positive influence on perceived service quality. The perceived service quality and perceived organization image had a positive influence on service loyalty. In addition, the perceived service quality was the moderator variable which partially mediating the relationship between perceived organization image and service loyalty. The results of this research could be used as a guideline to improve the organization image and develop service quality in building service loyalty of customers.


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How to Cite

Pimsaard, W., & Jadesadalug, V. . (2018). The Influence of Perceived Organization Image Effects on Service Loyalty Through Perceived Service Quality of Jurassic Water Park, Nakhon Pathom . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 9(1), 95–105. retrieved from



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