Strategic Management of Paddy Collecting Business of Nonsila Agricultural Cooperative in Nonsila Distract, Khonkaen Province


  • Nudjalin Obmasuy Graduate School, Khon Kaen University
  • Supaporn Poungchompu


Management strategy, Agricultural Cooperative


The objectives of this research are to study the general overviews problems and obstacles,
as well as approach for developing the collection business of paddy in-season rice for the Nonsila Agricultural Cooperative. There were 181 respondents, who brought paddy at the cooperative, were randomly selected. The data from the interviews of the cooperative’s president, manager, head of marketing, and head of finance & accounting were collected. From the study, it was found that farmers
had costs of 9.53 baht per kilogramme which were sub-divided into production costs (8.01 baht per kilogramme) and transportation costs (1.52 baht per kilogramme). In 2013, the cooperative received revenue of 4.50%, which was collected from paddy in-season rice. The figures for the years 2014 and 2015 were 3.89% and 59.03%, respectively. When the paddy collection business from other agricultural product collection was compared by analyzing the internal and external-factors, the cooperative was found to have problems with regard to personnel, investments, and the distribution of the rice. Therefore, for the long term growth, the cooperative should carry out management strategy for the paddy collection through determining higher price for members who have not received cash money and deducted the debt from sales income in order to create efficiency and superior performance of the business.

Author Biography

Nudjalin Obmasuy, Graduate School, Khon Kaen University

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How to Cite

Obmasuy, N. ., & Poungchompu, S. . (2018). Strategic Management of Paddy Collecting Business of Nonsila Agricultural Cooperative in Nonsila Distract, Khonkaen Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 9(1), 52–64. Retrieved from



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