Effects of Organizational Management Strategy and Governmental Supply Procurement and Management Efficiency on Performance Efficiency of Supplier Executive in Higher Education Institutions of Thailand


  • Pawarisa Saengkham Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


Organizational Management Strategy, Governmental Supply Procurement and Management, Efficiency Performance Efficiency


This research aimed to examine the effects of organizational management strategy and governmental supply procurement and management efficiency on performance efficiency of supplier executive in higher education institutions of Thailand. The Data were obtained from 125 supplier executives in higher education institutions of Thailand by using a questionnaire. For the analyzing methods, multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used as the statistical approach to investigate the proposed relationships.

The result showed that 1) Organizational management strategy in aspect of strategy, system, and shared value have significantly positive relationships and effect on performance efficiency, and 2) Governmental supply procurement and management efficiency in aspect of efficiency and effectiveness, and information technology have significantly positive relationships and effect on performance efficiency. In conclusion, this study revealed that the Organizational Management Strategy, Procurement Efficiency and Governmental Supply Management are crucial to every public organization's operation. These relationships enhance the positive working quality of related personnel as supply procurement is the key to success in any organization. Furthermore, organizations that continuously support the procurement personnel for knowledge and ability in relating to the procurement tasks would gain lots of benefits for the organizations as a whole and especially for procurement personnel so that they could perform the task more effectively under regulations.


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How to Cite

Saengkham , . P. . (2023). Effects of Organizational Management Strategy and Governmental Supply Procurement and Management Efficiency on Performance Efficiency of Supplier Executive in Higher Education Institutions of Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 15(3), 101–120. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/240541



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