Value Relevance of Goodwill Obtained from Business Acquisition in Thailand


  • Manatip Tangeakchit Faculty of Business Administration, Chiang Mai University
  • สุธีรา ใจสัตยาบรรณ Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • สุวรรณา เลาหะวิสุทธิ์ Faculty of Business Administration, Chiang Mai University


Value Relevance, Goodwill Obtained from Business Acquisition, Mergers and Acquisitions


This study aimed to explore value relevance of goodwill obtained from business acquisition
of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. A set of data were obtained from SETSMART database and the Securities and Exchange Commission website during the period 2012 to 2016. In total, 118 entries of data were obtained annual financial statements and 136 entries of data were gathered from quarter financial statements. According to the multiple analysis on data as obtained from both annual
and quarter financial statements, the results found that book value, goodwill and net profit have positively significant correlated with share price. Therefore, it could be summarized that the goodwill obtained from business acquisition reflected in annual and quarter financial statements is regarded as value relevant information. The finding could be contribute to investors, account preparers and regulators to recognize goodwill obtained from business acquisition of companies as valuable information.


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How to Cite

Tangeakchit, M. ., ใจสัตยาบรรณ ส. ., & เลาหะวิสุทธิ์ ส. . (2020). Value Relevance of Goodwill Obtained from Business Acquisition in Thailand . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(4), 116–132. Retrieved from



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