Relationships Between of Data Quality and Decision Making Efficiency on Hotel Business in the North East


  • Janya Han-arwut Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • Julsuchada Sirisom Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • Trairong Swatdikun Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


Data Quality, Decision Making Efficiency, Hotel Business


The research objective was to test examine relationships between of data quality and decision making efficiency on hotel business in the North East. Data were collected from 214 Accounting Executive on hotel Business in the North East and using stratified random sampling as sampling method and a questionnaire as an instrument. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were percentage frequency mean standard deviation  t-test, F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA). The findings revealed that the finding revealed that the Accounting executive of the hotel business in the northeastern region There are opinions with regard to the overall quality of information and each aspect, which is the accuracy of current information. In accordance with the requirements Complete And the ability to check is at a high level.  The accounting executives of the hotel business in the Northeast region also have opinions about the overall decision-making efficiency and individual aspects on In terms of speed, timeliness In achieving objectives The highest effectiveness and acceptance from those involved were at a high level. Data quality.  There is a relationship and a positive impact on overall decision-making efficiency. And variables that can predict overall decision performance (DME) is the requirement (REL) for completeness (COP) and validity (VER)


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How to Cite

Han-arwut, J. ., Sirisom, J., & Swatdikun, T. . (2020). Relationships Between of Data Quality and Decision Making Efficiency on Hotel Business in the North East . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(4), 104–115. Retrieved from



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