Factors Influencing Purchase Decision Augmented Reality Card


  • Varanya Tilokavichai Graduate School of Management and Innovation,
  • Areemon Surmsub King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi


Affected Factors, Purchasing Decision, Augmented Reality Card


The objective of this research is to study factors affecting the selection of Augmented Reality Card design and production services. The results from the research can be used to establish an Augmented Reality Card production business in the future, and apply the research results to those who are interested in conducting similar businesses. Data was collected from 406 individuals in Bangkok and its surrounding vicinities. The method used in the data analysis were descriptive statistics, which are used for general data analysis in the form of frequency, and standard statistics, such as percentages, average, and standard deviation. The result of the research shows that demographic information such as gender, age, education level, and the average monthly income, correlated with the factors that influenced the consumers' decision on Augmented Reality Card purchase. No relationship was found regarding occupation. However, marketing mix, products, and services, prices, marketing promotions, was found to correlate with factors that influence the Augmented Reality Card purchase decision of consumers with statistical significance at .05 level. Service quality with regards to reliability, providing confidence, concrete aspects of the service given, attention, response, were all found to have a relationship with factors that influence the consumer's purchase decision of AR Cards at statistical significance level 0.05.




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How to Cite

Tilokavichai, V., & Surmsub, A. . (2020). Factors Influencing Purchase Decision Augmented Reality Card. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(2), 135–148. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/239941



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