The Relationship between Continuous Knowledge Development and Performance of Saving and Credit Cooperative Accountants in Northeast


  • วินท์นิศา รักภักดี Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • จุลสุชดา ศิริสม Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • ณรัฐวรรณ มุสิก Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


Continuous Knowledge Development, Training, Coaching, Knowledge Unofficially, Benchmarking Study, Performance


                The objective of this research was to assess the relationship between continuous knowledge development and performance of saving and credit cooperative accountants in northeast. A questionnaire was an instrument for collecting data from 143 staffs of saving and credit cooperative accountants in northeast of Thailand. Multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used as statistical techniques. Continuous knowledge development was assigned as an independent variable that was positively related to and affected performance. The results revealed that the training, coaching, knowledge unofficially and benchmarking study of continuous knowledge development were positively related to overall performance. According to results, accountants should develop themselves to be more knowledgeable and organization also needs to improve their operation continuously in order to increase firm effectiveness and efficiency.


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How to Cite

รักภักดี ว., ศิริสม จ., & มุสิก ณ. (2009). The Relationship between Continuous Knowledge Development and Performance of Saving and Credit Cooperative Accountants in Northeast. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 10(1), 186–196. Retrieved from



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