Relationships between Modern Electronic Commerce Strategy and Performance of Electronics Commerce Businesses in Thailand


  • จิรประภา นิมารัมย์ Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • มณีรัตน์ วงษ์ซิ้ม
  • รัตนาวดี สนธิประสาท


Modern Electronic Commerce Strategy, Performance, Electronics Commerce Businesses


                   This study aimed to investigate the relationship between modern electronic commerce strategy and performance of electronic commerce businesses in Thailand. A questionnaire was used for collecting data from 147 electronic commercial business managers in Thailand. The statistics used for data analyzing were multiple correlation analysis, simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that modern electronic commerce strategy in aspect of the customer service strategy, the purchasing management strategy and the advertising strategy had positive relationships with and effects on the organizational performance. Therefore, the manager of the electronic commerce ought to concentrate on executing the strategy to be used in commercial operations, intended to be snappy and simple to work. Additionally, association ought to worry about offer customers an alluring item to invigorate request this strategy made an intense trigger purchasing choices of customers increased.


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How to Cite

นิมารัมย์ จ., วงษ์ซิ้ม ม., & สนธิประสาท ร. (2020). Relationships between Modern Electronic Commerce Strategy and Performance of Electronics Commerce Businesses in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 10(1), 109–119. retrieved from



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