Store Atmospherics for Senior Consumers: A Conceptual Model and Propositions


  • ฐิตารีย์ ดุรงค์ดำรงชัย Faculty of Business Administration, North Eastern University
  • อุมาวรรณ วาทกิจ Faculty of Business Administration, North Eastern University
  • พงศ์ศรัณย์ พลศรีเลิศ National Institute of Development Administration


Store Atmospherics, Senior Consumers, S-O-R Model, Perceived Service Quality, Re-patronage intention


There is a scarcity of researches on experiences of senior consumers towards retail atmospherics in Thailand, despite the fact that there is a tendency to increase number of senior population. Moreover, appropriate store atmospherics will lead senior consumers to support stores. As a result, a conceptual model was proposed which examines the influence of store atmospherics on re-patronage intentions by having perceived service quality as a mediate variable. A Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework was used as the basis of the model for describing relationships between store atmospherics, perception of service quality and re-patronage intentions. Propositions of the model were presented in this article. In addition, research implications for future researches were proposed such as studying product factors in store atmospherics and deciding to be store memberships, participating in long term sales promotion programs and purchasing gift cards as other responses. In addition, a direct impact between store atmospherics and re-patronage intentions should be conducted in the future.  

Author Biographies

ฐิตารีย์ ดุรงค์ดำรงชัย, Faculty of Business Administration, North Eastern University

นิสิตระดับปริญญาเอก หลักสูตรบริหารธุรกิจดุษฎีบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ

อุมาวรรณ วาทกิจ, Faculty of Business Administration, North Eastern University


คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ

พงศ์ศรัณย์ พลศรีเลิศ, National Institute of Development Administration


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How to Cite

ดุรงค์ดำรงชัย ฐ., วาทกิจ อ., & พลศรีเลิศ พ. (2018). Store Atmospherics for Senior Consumers: A Conceptual Model and Propositions. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 10(2), 1–12. retrieved from



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