Organizational Climate and Organizational Commitment Affect on Performance Efficiency: A case study of Securities Company A and Securities Company B


  • aritsa kloypromarach Business Administratione, Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan
  • Saowaluk Jitnom Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan


Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment, Performance Efficiency


This purpose of this study was to 1. Organizational climate and organizational commitment that positive effecting of performance efficiency to the employees in securities A. 2. Organizational climate and organizational commitment that positive effecting of performance efficiency to the employees in securities B. The sample 375 employees in securities A 195 and employees in securities B 180 who had working period of 3 years and over. A questionnaire was used as a research tool. Inferential statistics was used in hypotheses testing by multiple regression analysis. The research results indicated that 1. The strong desire to remain a member of the organizational effect to performance efficiency of employees at securities A with statistical significant at 0.01, and willingness in dedicating their efforts to work for the organization effect to performance efficiency of employees at securities A with statistical significant at 0.05. 2. The strong desire to remain a member of the organizational effect to performance efficiency of employees at securities B with statistical significant at 0.01, and organizational goals and values effect to performance efficiency of employees at securities B with statistical significant at 0.05.


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How to Cite

kloypromarach, aritsa, & Jitnom, S. . (2020). Organizational Climate and Organizational Commitment Affect on Performance Efficiency: A case study of Securities Company A and Securities Company B. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(4), 146–159. Retrieved from



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