Administrative Strategies and Accounting Practices for Environmental Management of Green Hotel: A case of Krungsri River Hotel, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya


  • Pawinee Thanaanawat Faculty of Management Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University


Green Hotel, Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), Administrative Strategies, Factors influencing hotel selection


This research aimed at 1) exploring factors affecting decision-making in using services provided by Krungsri River Hotel, 2) studying accounting practices for environmental management, and 3) developing administrative strategies for green-hotel business management. In this mixed-method study, Krungsri River Hotel, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Province was purposively selected as the target area consisting of 2 target groups; 56 hotel guests and 8 hotel staff. The research instruments included a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview form. For data analysis, quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistics and presented in forms of percentage, mean, and standard deviation (SD), and quantitative data were analyzed using content analysis and presented in forms of descriptive writing. The finding showed that 1) factors affecting decision-making in using services provided by Krungsri River Hotel as an eco-friendly hotel the location was found to possess the highest mean; the hotel was located at the center of downtown enabling transport convenience, 2) accounting practices for environmental management the practices contributed to better financial investment valuation, profitability, financial values, and organizational image of Krungsri River Hotel among customers, and 3) administrative strategies for green-hotel business management Krungsri River Hotel possessed clear-cut strategies in environmental management, reserved budgets for environmental management and improvement plans/projects, and regularly followed-up on operational evaluation relative to environmental aspects.



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How to Cite

Thanaanawat, P. (2020). Administrative Strategies and Accounting Practices for Environmental Management of Green Hotel: A case of Krungsri River Hotel, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(2), 117–134. Retrieved from



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