Relationship between Professional Digital Accountants and Performance Efficiency of Limited Partnership in Yala Province


  • เพ็ญนภา เกื้อเกตุ คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • Phurichart Promtem
  • Wiroj Phaiboonvessawat Faculty of Management Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University


Professional, Digital Accountants, Performance Efficiency


This research aimed to analyze the relationship between professional digital accountants and performance efficiency of limited partnership in Yala province. The samples were accountants of limited partnership in Yala province with a total of 181. The instrument used was a questionnaire, which was tested the accuracy by experts and the reliability by using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients with values between 0.71-0.85. The data were analyzed using statistics of multiple regression analysis and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, at the 0.05 level of significance. It was found that the relationships among of professional digital accountants and performance efficiency. In addition, relationships among four dimensions of professional digital accountants, including information technology knowledge, the ability to analyze financial, the characteristics of accountant skills, and ethics of accountants, and performance efficiency were positively correlated at the 0.05 level of significance.


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How to Cite

เกื้อเกตุ เ., Promtem, P. ., & Phaiboonvessawat, W. . (2020). Relationship between Professional Digital Accountants and Performance Efficiency of Limited Partnership in Yala Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(1), 153–166. Retrieved from



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