Causal factor for Accounting data quality, Quality of accounting information system, Electronic services quality, Perceived value of electronic accounting, and User satisfaction of electronic accounting affecting the efficiency of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Thailand


  • Sukanya Klungthong College of management, Sripatum University
  • Supin Chaisiripaibool College of management, Sripatum University
  • Atcharaporn Chotipurk College of management, Sripatum University


Accounting data quality, Accounting information systems quality, Electronic service quality, Perceived value of electronic accounting


The objective to the research to study was factors. Which Accounting data quality, Accounting information systems quality, Electronic service quality, Perceived value of electronic accounts and using  the satisfaction of electronic account affects the efficiency of electronic accounting for small  and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Thailand. The research has designed into a combination method between qualitative and quantitative research. The sample used in this study is executives, accountants of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Bangkok area with 800 sample collecting data with a questionnaire was analyze the data using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).      The results of the research indicated that (1) Accounting data Quality, Accounting information systems Quality, Electronic services quality have a direct positive influence on the perceived value of electronic accounts and satisfaction of electronic account (2) the perceived value of electronic accounts and the satisfaction of electronic account users have a direct positive influence on the efficiency of electronic accounting systems of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Thailand (3) The Model was consistent with the data and The six harmony indexes that passed the acceptance criteria were index   / df = 1.337, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.021 and SRMR = 0.021.


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How to Cite

Klungthong, S., Chaisiripaibool, S. ., & Chotipurk , A. . . (2020). Causal factor for Accounting data quality, Quality of accounting information system, Electronic services quality, Perceived value of electronic accounting, and User satisfaction of electronic accounting affecting the efficiency of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(2), 100–116. retrieved from



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