Integrated Performance Measurement System Strategy and Firm Success: An Empirical Investigation of Thai-Listed Firms


  • Pannarai Lata
  • Sutana Boonlua
  • Saranya Raksong Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


Integrated Performance Measurement System Strategy, Organizational Competitiveness, Firm Success


                      The key issue in this research is “How does integrated performance measurement system strategy (IPMSS) affect firm success?” The key research objective was to investigate the effects of integrated performance measurement system strategy on firm success. IPMSS has been recognized as the firm’s key capability to measure and track overall performance, input outcomes to control operational process, and compare the performance of other competitors in the same industry, departments, teams, and individuals within the firm. Likewise, it directly influences organizational competitiveness and firm success. IPMSS consists of five dimensions: market value-based appraisal orientation, accounting-oriented measurement capability, indicator-based assessment focus, value-added evaluation emphasis, and revenue-oriented criterion implementation. The data was collected from a survey of 153 Thai-listed firms of which the accounting executive is the key informant of each firm. The results of regression analysis indicated that integrated performance measurement system strategy regarding market value-based appraisal orientation, indicator-based assessment focus, and revenue-oriented criterion implementation positively influence organizational competitiveness. In addition, organizational competitiveness has a strong and positive effect on firm success. Finally, theoretical and managerial contributions, conclusion, and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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How to Cite

Lata, P., Boonlua, S., & Raksong, S. (2019). Integrated Performance Measurement System Strategy and Firm Success: An Empirical Investigation of Thai-Listed Firms. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 10(3), 33–50. retrieved from



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