Developing Indicators of organizational citizenship behavior to firm success: An empirical research of hotel businesses in Thailand


  • Wasin Phetphongphan Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University.


Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Firm Success


               The objective of this study were 1) to develop dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior 
2) to investigate the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on firm success. A questionnaire was used for collecting data from 311 chief executive officer and top management of hotel businesses in Thailand.
The statistics used for data analyzing were percent, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient,
second-order confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model. The congruence  the model derived from analysis of data indicated a goodness-of-fit with the empirical data (χ2/df = 1.218, p = .052,
GFI = .953, AGFI = .926, CFI= .995, RMSEA = .026). The results suggested that 1) cooperating with others, protecting the organization, volunteering constructive ideas and enthusiastic to organization are dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior and 2) organizational citizenship behavior is a positive influence on firm success. Therefore, administrator of hotel businesses should promote cooperation in the workplace, protecting the organization along with sacrifice for communal and actively working to generate an organizational citizenship behavior, which leads to the success of the firm.


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How to Cite

Phetphongphan, W. (2018). Developing Indicators of organizational citizenship behavior to firm success: An empirical research of hotel businesses in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 10(3), 250–263. Retrieved from



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