Audit Flexibility Management Competency and Audit Success: Evidence from Governmental Auditors in Thailand


  • Chanpen Thongchai Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University.
  • Kornchai Phornlaphatrachakorn Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University.
  • Sirin Phankasem Office of the Auditor General of Thailand


Audit flexibility management competency, Audit success


             The rapidly changing environment has an effect on an auditors’ operational by causing increasingly difficult and complex operational audits. Flexibility competency is a key factor that leads to audit performance which achieve audit goal under dynamic environment. This research aimed to investigate the effect of audit flexibility management competency on audit success evidence from governmental auditors in Thailand. The data were collected by using questionnaire from 528 governmental auditors (GAs) in the time period during September - October, 2016. The ordinary least squares regression analysis was used as a statistical tool for this research. The findings showed that all dimensions of audit flexibility management competency have significant positive influences on audit quality. Meanwhile, there are only audit integration focus and audit improvement continuity have significant positive influences on audit excellence. In addition, the results indicated that audit quality and audit excellence have significant positive influence on audit success.  This research provides benefits on auditors’ awareness to improve and develop audit flexibility management competency in accordance with environmental change in order to achieve auditor professionalism in the future. Furthermore, the findings are a useful guideline for regulators and organizations to strengthen their audit department by enhancing the management competency of flexibility auditing.


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How to Cite

Thongchai, C., Phornlaphatrachakorn, K., & Phankasem, S. (2018). Audit Flexibility Management Competency and Audit Success: Evidence from Governmental Auditors in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 10(3), 185–198. retrieved from



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