Effects of Corporate Income Tax Planning Efficiency on Corporate Image of SMEs in Thailand


  • วราพร เปรมพาณิชย์นุกูล Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


Corporate income tax planning efficiency, Corporate image, SMEs


       The purposes of this research were 1) to verify the effects of corporate income tax planning efficiency on corporate image of SMEs in Thailand and  2) to test the effects of corporate communication on the relationship between corporate income tax planning efficiency and corporate image of SMEs
in Thailand.  A questionnaire was used for collecting data from 336 executive accountants of SMEs in Thailand.  The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of the research revealed that 1) corporate income tax planning efficiency, in the aspects of income tax benefit had positive relationships and impacts on corporate image, in the aspects of corporate social responsibility, corporate reputation, and corporate management style,  2) corporate income tax planning efficiency, in the aspects of minimized non-deductible expense had positive relationships and impacts on corporate image, in the aspects of corporate reputation, 3) corporate income tax planning efficiency, in the aspects of compliance with tax regulation had positive relationships and impacts on corporate image as a whole, and in the aspects of corporate social responsibility, corporate reputation, and corporate management style, and 4) corporate communication had positive impact on the relationship between corporate income tax planning efficiency and corporate image.  Therefore SMEs in Thailand should pay attention and comply with tax laws, including tax rules and matters for tax consultation, then it will enhance corporate image finally.


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How to Cite

เปรมพาณิชย์นุกูล ว. (2019). Effects of Corporate Income Tax Planning Efficiency on Corporate Image of SMEs in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 10(4), 117–132. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/222889



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