An SEM Analysis of the Competence to Reduce Transaction Costs of Export Management Companies in Thailand


  • Pornlapas Suwannarat
  • Sommai Khantong
  • Napat Jantarajaturapath


Export Intermediary Company, Export Management Company, Export Agent, Transaction Cost, Resource-Based Theory; Agency Theory, Export Performance


      This study has primarily focused on the competence of export management companies in reducing transaction costs, which relates to their performance. Structural equation modelling (SEM) technique has been adopted to test the relationship of each variable in the model of the study and examine the direct influence, indirect influence, and total influence of the independent variables on the dependent variables. The study has been provided the official database of export intermediary firms by the Department of Export Promotion, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand. The samples of 400 export intermediary firms were identified from the 1,486 population firms.  The postal questionnaires were sent to these sample firms.  Based on three theories, transaction cost, agency and resource-based theory, the results indicate that three valuable resources of export knowledge, negotiation skills, and specialisation and trustworthiness have direct and indirect effect on export intermediary performance and these resources have also been partially found their impact on the competence to reduce clients’ transaction costs. Further, the result of
the study indicates that model of the study has good fit to the empirical data.


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How to Cite

Suwannarat, P., Khantong, S., & Jantarajaturapath, N. (2019). An SEM Analysis of the Competence to Reduce Transaction Costs of Export Management Companies in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(2), 230–256. Retrieved from



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