Relationships between Contemporary Service Standard Orientation and Performance of Branch of Government Savings Bank in the Northeast


  • นัทธวัฒน์ ธนสัจจวัฒน์
  • สุมิตรา จิรวุฒินันท์
  • พีรวัฒน์ ไชยล้อม


Contemporary Service Standard, Performance, Government Saving Bank


      The purpose of this study is to test the relationships between contemporary service standards and the performance of different government savings bank branches in the Northeast region.The questionnaires were used for collecting data from 130 branch managers of the government savings bank. The data were analyzed by multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.

      The results showed that the overall contemporary service standard orientation, the contemporary service standard orientation in the dimensions of modern technology, understanding, and customer relationship management positively related and affected on the overall performance. In this way, therefore, branch managers of the government saving bank should emphasize on the service standards for increasing professionalism and service capacity. The improvements will maximize consumer satisfaction and contribute to the sustainable growth of the organization.


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How to Cite

ธนสัจจวัฒน์ น., จิรวุฒินันท์ ส., & ไชยล้อม พ. (2019). Relationships between Contemporary Service Standard Orientation and Performance of Branch of Government Savings Bank in the Northeast. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(2), 158–168. Retrieved from



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