Effects of Risk Disclosure Quality on Firm Performance : A Case Study of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand


  • ไตรรงค์ สวัสดิกุล
  • ธีรพรรณ อึ๊งภากรณ์
  • สุชิตา มานะจิตต์
  • วิชนี เอี่ยมชุ่ม


Risk disclosure quality, firm performance, risk management


Risk disclosure is a key element in risk management which appropriate procedure can lead to competitive advantage to the firm. This research collected 174 data set between 2012 and 2013 from listed companies which listed in SET100 index. Data analysis reveals that 3,670 words of risk has been disclosure in the annual report. Relative quantity index can be estimated at 0.2586. Density index can be assessed at 0.5919, where depth index can be projected at 0.9827. Hypothesis testing cannot confirmed that is an impact of risk disclosure quality on firm performance. 


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How to Cite

สวัสดิกุล ไ., อึ๊งภากรณ์ ธ., มานะจิตต์ ส., & เอี่ยมชุ่ม ว. (2019). Effects of Risk Disclosure Quality on Firm Performance : A Case Study of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(2), 118–126. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/220552



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