Branding and Packaging Design for Community Business Group in Mae Sariang District, Mae Hong Son Province


  • นัทธ์หทัย เถาตระกูล


Branding, Packaging, Community Business, Mae Sariang, Customer Satisfaction, Buying Behavior


      The objectives of this research were to (1) develop branding and packaging of community business in Mae Sariang, Mae Hong Son and (2) study the level of satisfaction of tourists towards branding and packaging of community business in Mae Sariang, Mae Hong Son by using semi-structured interview and questionnaires as research instruments from 400 tourists and two community business groups in Mae Sariang District, Mae Hong Son Province. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean and standard deviation. Also, inferential statistics have been used to analyze data such as hypothesis test and multiple regression analysis. The findings showed that packaging that is easy to open and close, and well covered for protection when a single piece of product is still left after eating is the most importance factor for packaging design as well as a unique branding is the most importance factor for branding design. After implementing new branding and packaging design, tourists are very satisfied with packaging that is easy to open and close, and well covered for protection when a single piece of product is still left after eating.  Also, tourists are very satisfied with gorgeous and modern branding with
a unique that reflects the local culture and easy to remember. When examining the hypothesis, satisfaction in the dimensions of branding and packaging could explain more than 50% of the variance of overall of customer satisfaction.  As well, satisfaction in the dimensions of branding and packaging positively
relate and impact on future purchasing behavior and recommending products to others.


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How to Cite

เถาตระกูล น. (2019). Branding and Packaging Design for Community Business Group in Mae Sariang District, Mae Hong Son Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(2), 100–117. Retrieved from



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