The Influence of Team Spirit and Team Connectedness to Quality of Loan Service through Emotional Conflict and Task Conflict of Bangkok Bank’s Credit Officers in the Central Region Areas


  • วิโรจน์ เจษฎาลักษณ์
  • กมลชนก ปัญญาจิรวุฒิ


Team Spirit, Team Connectedness, Task Conflict, Quality of Loan Service


The purpose of this research was to study the Influence of team spirit and team connectedness
to quality of loan service through emotional conflict and task conflict of Bangkok Bank’s credit officers in the central region areas. This research is a quantitative research. The data was collected by questionnaire from 134 credit officers of the Bangkok Bank in the provinces of the central region.  All collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and simple regression analysis.

                                The findings showed that: 1) the high level can be seen in team spirit, task conflict, and quality of loan service were at the high level, and team connectedness was at the highest level, whereas emotional conflict  was at a low level; 2) team spirit has negative influence on emotional conflict and has positive influence on task conflict; 3) team connectedness has negative influence on the emotional conflict, and has positive influence on task conflict;  4) emotional conflict has negative influence on quality of loan services and 5) task conflict has positive influence on the quality of loan services. The results in this research can be used as guidelines in developing teamwork potential in order to provide credit or loan services more effectively and developing their quality services.


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How to Cite

เจษฎาลักษณ์ ว., & ปัญญาจิรวุฒิ ก. (2019). The Influence of Team Spirit and Team Connectedness to Quality of Loan Service through Emotional Conflict and Task Conflict of Bangkok Bank’s Credit Officers in the Central Region Areas. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(2), 31–42. retrieved from



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