
  • Su Lei Hunan University of Technology
  • Guo Guoqing


Servant Leadership, Customer Orientation, Work Engagement, Service Employees


Based on analysis of the conservation of resources theory, social learning theory and social exchange theory, this study constructs a theoretical model of the relationship among servant leadership(Sl), customer orientation(CO) and work engagement(WE). After the survey on 284 service employees and the statistical analysis by SPSS23.0 and AMSS23.0, the results show that SL positively affects employee’s WE and CO, employee’s CO positively affects employee’s WE, and that employee’s CO plays a partial mediation role between SL and employee’s WE. This paper further expands the mediating mechanism of SL’s influence on employee’s WE and provides theoretical reference for service practice management.



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How to Cite

Lei, S., & Guoqing, . G. (2020). STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG SERVANT LEADERSHIP,CUSTOMER ORIENTATION AND WORK ENGAGEMENT. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(1). Retrieved from



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