Developing Online Lesson on the Use of Multi-Meters in the Basic Electrical and Electronics Course for First-year Vocational Certificate Students in the Field of Maintenance Engineering Program at Singburi Technical College

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Samart Tinsung


This research aims to 1) create and assess the effectiveness of online lessons on the use of multi-meters according to the 80/80 criteria; 2) develop learning performance before and after online lessons on the use of multi-meters.; and 3) investigate student satisfaction with online lessons on the use of multi-meters.  A sample group used in the research involves 10 first-year vocational certificate students in field of Maintenance Engineering program in the academic year 2023, selected through simple random sampling. The tools for this research include: 1) online lessons created with Google Site; 2) assessment tests measuring learning performance; and 3) questionnaire evaluating student satisfaction with online lessons. Statistical analysis used include mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test. The research findings indicate that: 1) The online lesson on the use of multi-meters in Basic Electrical and Electronic Course has an effectiveness score of 81.00/80.75, which is higher than the standard 80/80. 2) There is a statistically significant improvement in learning performance after online lessons compared to before, at a significance level of .05. 3) Students studying with online lessons express the highest level of satisfaction.This research aims to 1) create and assess the effectiveness of online lessons on the use of multi-meters according to the 80/80 criteria; 2) develop learning performance before and after online lessons on the use of multi-meters.; and 3) investigate student satisfaction with online lessons on the use of multi-meters.  A sample group used in the research involves 10 first-year vocational certificate students in field of Maintenance Engineering program in the academic year 2023, selected through simple random sampling. The tools for this research include: 1) online lessons created with Google Site; 2) assessment tests measuring learning performance; and 3) questionnaire evaluating student satisfaction with online lessons. Statistical analysis used include mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test. The research findings indicate that: 1) The online lesson on the use of multi-meters in Basic Electrical and Electronic Course has an effectiveness score of 81.00/80.75, which is higher than the standard 80/80. 2) There is a statistically significant improvement in learning performance after online lessons compared to before, at a significance level of .05. 3) Students studying with online lessons express the highest level of satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Tinsung, S. (2024). Developing Online Lesson on the Use of Multi-Meters in the Basic Electrical and Electronics Course for First-year Vocational Certificate Students in the Field of Maintenance Engineering Program at Singburi Technical College. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 6(1), 69–83. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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