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Sittitam Ongwuttiwat


This research article had the primary objectives to study the strategies used for the speech act of making correction in Thai and analyze the relationship between responding strategies and factors concerning the interlocutors’ social social status and intimacy, and situation when a third-party is present and when there is no third-party, and situation when there is effect speaker and there is no effect speaker. Data used in this research were elicited from a sample of 400 respondents, of which 200 were male and 200 were female. The sample were asked to complete the Written Discourse Completion Task (WDCT). According to the results, the responding strategy to admonishment divided into 2 strategies, ranking in the order of frequency as follows: 1) bold-on-record strategies (84.06%) and 2) off-record strategies (15.94%). Upon consideration of the relationship between these strategies and factors concerning the interlocutors’ social social status and intimacy, and situation when a third-party is present and when there is no third-party, and situation when there is effect speaker and there is no effect speaker had an effect on the adoption of the these strategies, there were statistically significant differences in the responding strategies at a p-value of less than 0.050 (P<0.050). Linguistic behaviors might be motivated by two sociocultural factors: (1) Collectivism and (2) High context culture.

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How to Cite
Ongwuttiwat, S. (2021). A STUDY OF LINGUISTIC STRATEGIES USED FOR THE SPEECH ACT OF MAKING CORRECTION OF HEARERS IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS IN THAI: A CASE STUDY OF DIFFERENT SOCIAL STATUS AND INTIMACY INTERLOCUTORS . RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 3(2), 61–76. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/larts-journal/article/view/247922
Research Articles


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