The viewpoints of developing healthy food menu for groups of Thai professional runner in full marathon competition

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ระชานนท์ ทวีผล


This research aimed to study (1) management of on healthy food menu for the competition of Thai marathon (2) the viewpoints of developing healthy food menu for groups of Thai professional runner in full marathon competition. This is a qualitative research by Case Study Approach Methodology. Data were collected by in-depth interviews. The main respondents are 20 professional Thai marathon athletes. The results were found that (1) In the competition various food menu are prepared in each point as well as there are service of drinking water and mineral water in point during competition. (2) the viewpoints of development on healthy food menu  for group  of professional Thai marathon, there are 4 elements which are (2.1) the benefits of food that are different in nutrition for each type help to increase effective in competition (2.2) the healthy food should be boiled, steamed, baked in order to remain nutrition (2.3) the selection of material should come from chicken breast and fish and avoid spicy food and  (2.4) the development of food menu is based on the managing balance of all food types, especially and the portion of protein and fat must be suitable portion.

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How to Cite
ทวีผล ร. (2020). The viewpoints of developing healthy food menu for groups of Thai professional runner in full marathon competition. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 2(1), 103–120. Retrieved from
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