A Development of vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises to develop learning achievement for the third year of the vocational education student’s in the industrial maintenance field, Samutprakan Technical College

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ธารทิพย์ แก้วเจริญ
ชลธิชา วงษ์ศิลา
สัมพันธ์ ใกล้ชิด
เพชรา พิพัฒน์สันติกุล


This research is an experimental research using one-group pretest-posttest design. The purposes of this research were 1) to create and study the efficiency of the vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises for the third year of the vocational education certificate, student’s in the industrial maintenance field. 2) to compare the achievement score gained before and after learning by vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises. And 3) to evaluate the students’ satisfaction towards vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises. The sample consisted of 20 students in the third year of the vocational education certificate, students in the industrial maintenance field by purposive sampling. The instruments employed to collect data were of 1) learning activity lesson plans 2) vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises 3) student learning achievement test and 4) student’s satisfaction toward vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were mean, standard deviation, E1/E2 and inferential statistics t-test dependent.

            The findings revealed as follows 1) The efficiency of vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises for the third year of the vocational education certificate, student’s in the industrial maintenance field measured 82.25/88.50 which was higher than the criteria of 80/80. 2) The students learned through the vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises for the third year of the vocational education certificate, students in the industrial maintenance field after learning had higher achievement than before learning with significant difference at the level of .01. And 3) the satisfaction of the students towards vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises as a whole were at the highest level.

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How to Cite
แก้วเจริญ ธ., วงษ์ศิลา ช., ใกล้ชิด ส., & พิพัฒน์สันติกุล เ. (2020). A Development of vernier calipers with English system 1:128 reading exercises to develop learning achievement for the third year of the vocational education student’s in the industrial maintenance field, Samutprakan Technical College. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 1(1), 17–27. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/larts-journal/article/view/244241
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