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Social control and law enforcement are crucial components in maintaining order and stability in society, particularly in the modern context characterized by rapid technological advancements, cultural changes, and social diversity. Social control involves regulating the behavior of individuals through both formal and informal mechanisms, while law enforcement plays a vital role in ensuring justice and protecting citizens' rights. This paper examines the mechanisms of social control and the role of law enforcement in contemporary society, focusing on the impact of technology, such as social media and surveillance technologies, as well as changes in values and social structures that affect law enforcement practices. The study highlights the importance of integrating social control with law enforcement to address challenges in modern society, particularly through the use of technology and promoting cooperation across different sectors in managing social behavior. Additionally, the paper identifies key challenges, such as the conflict between traditional values and societal changes, and the issue of unequal access to legal resources. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research, including the study of the effects of emerging technologies and the development of flexible, fair law enforcement systems that ensure justice for all social groups.
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