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The purpose of this research is to study the factors that influence the success and requirements of the electronic database system, the history of the police officer, the Directorate of Police, Nonthaburi Province, to synthesize the operating systems of the electronic database system, the history of the police officer, the National Police Directorate, and to develop and evaluate the model innovations of electronic database systems. The history of police officers, according to the Department of Police of Nonthaburi Province, uses a qualitative research model. The 18 key data providers consist of a group of nine interview information providers and six interlocutors. There are methods for thorough sample selection. Quality data analysis uses three-piece data verification and data synthesis analysis with 6’ C techniques. (6’ C. Technical Analysis).
The research finds that there are five factors that influence the success and requirements of the electronic database system of the police department of the Mountain Police Department of Nantes Province: 1. Internal Factors
2. Technology Factor 3. Personnel Factor 4. Personnel Factor 5. Requirements of the Electronic Database System. The PSSFSCIA Model is an eight-step approach, 1. Consisting of the purpose 2. Database structure 3. Information access 4.System core functions 5. Security 6.Connectivity with other systems 7. Innovation Process and 8. Application. It covers a thorough and comprehensive process for managing the police history database. It emphasizes the importance of planning, design, and data security, which are essential for building a reliable and efficient database system; results evaluation; innovation; electronic databases; security; and other systems; and the history of the police department of the Tangerine Province. It has four aspects: accuracy, appropriateness, probability, and usefulness. The criterion is at the highest level in all aspects. The results are at most on every level. The result is an average of 4.84. The most useful side is at 4.71. The most effective side is in 4.68. The most beneficial side is at an average level of 4.87.
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