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This research aims to study and synthesize the use of local wisdom in Indonesia for disaster management based on the Sendai Framework. The study utilizes research articles, academic papers, and documents from government and private sector agencies, employing a document research methodology following Scott (1990; 2006), analyzing a total of 14 documents.
The findings reveal that the characteristics of local wisdom in disaster management in Indonesia can be categorized into two forms according to the Sendai Framework, which is the current international framework for disaster management: 1) Structural Measures: Local wisdom is applied in the construction of houses to withstand disasters such as earthquakes by using materials like wood or bamboo. It is found that after disasters, this knowledge is utilized in the repair or reconstruction of houses. 2) Non-Structural Measures: The most common method is the transmission of knowledge from generation to generation, mainly within communities and not generally applied. Next is the transmission of disaster knowledge or experiences through songs, poems, stories, and disaster-related arts. Following this is the conservation of natural resources and the environment within the community. This is followed by religious traditions or rituals and the establishment of social networks. Next is the community's coexistence with nature, the role and decision-making of community leaders in preserving local wisdom, and observing abnormalities. Following this is community unity. Lastly, religious regulations and the presence of hazard maps indicating areas at risk are noted. The results of this documentary research will serve as a conceptual framework for future research to further develop the use of local wisdom in disaster management in other areas.
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