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Somprin Niyomthai


The Socio-cultural security is considered as one of human security dimension which is important. The Buddhism and socio-cultural structure, such as way of life and behavior of Laos people in Luang Prabang, have to face a new challenge of the information technology development, which is contemporarily more intense and severe. Thus, the Buddhism remains strongly resistance to Gobalisation by compliance to mediocre of the Buddhism, adaptation to condition of changes. Furthermore, the Lao monk conduct to Buddhist established principles. The social structure changes, affected by consumerism, impact continuously to landlord migration to a rural vicinity for tourism business investment in Luang Prabang. The expansion of Chinese community to Lao People’s Democratic Republique and western culture affect to way of life of Lao people in Luang Prabang who adhere and comply with tradition and norms. Lao people faiths in Buddhism principles, simultaneously in spirituel beliefs. The cultural inheritance by beliefs and Buddhism faith must go on systematically and continuously from generation to generation.

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