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Hrisd Dechkamhaeng
Thanakrit Phoengurn
Witthaya Sujarithanarak


The objectives of this research were 1) to study level of desirable politician’s behavior, 2) to analyze people's political popularity affecting desirable politician’s behavior in Pathumthani province, and 3) to present the guideline of desirable politician’s behavior in Pathumthani province. This research was mixed methodology. The conceptual framework of the research was applied from Thinnaphan Nakhata‘s study. The population consisted of 1,190,060 people who aged 18 years old and lived in Pathumthani  province. The samples were 400 people determined by Krejcie & Morgan’s table and interviewed 15 government officers and community leaders. The instruments used in this research were a 5-rating scale questionnaire, and interview form and content summarize. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.

          The research results revealed that 1) level of desirable politician’s behavior as a whole was a much level. When considering each aspect from the highest to the lowest average  found that ethical behavior of politicians was at the highest average, followed by politicians' behavior in terms of respect for rules and regulations and self-discipline, the behavior of politicians in terms of being attentive and effective in working, the behavior of politicians in terms of using their full abilities were at much level, and the behavior of politicians in terms of responsibility was at the lowest average.2)The analysis results on people's political popularity affecting desirable politician’s behavior in Pathumthani province found that 4 aspects namely, social status popularity, knowledge and special abilities ,relationship with the network, and having political experience were predicted on desirable politician’s behavior in Pathumthani province at 29.90 % with statistically significant level of .05. 3)The guideline of desirable politician’s behavior in Pathumthani province, the government sector must have policies and mechanisms to encourage greater public participation in politics. Political parties should develop strategies and guidelines for campaigning for elections, focusing on clear policies. and able to respond to the needs of the people

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